This emerging international network gathers around the potential of encounters between Choreography, Performative practices and Urban Design. It has been co-imagined with Rennie Tang and John Bingham Hall. Our first will was to bring together our groups of collaborators on the topic and to start the reflexion on the potentialities to build up a larger network. Initiated in 2020 in the form of monthly round tables during the pandemic, it is intended to unfold in the form of experiments and collaborative research at the international level. We make the hypothesis that choreographic and performative practices can become new practices of initialities for creative processes in architecture, landscape and urbanism. The body thus acts as a privileged medium to meet the places, the others, to interpret and retranscribe potentialities and situations, to start an inclusive creative process which can then unfold through real orders of urban transformation, or through scientific, cultural and artistic events in the heart of the stakes of a transverse manufacturing of the city.
Le groupe, co-fondé avec Rennie Tang & John Bingham Hall, réunis près de 50 chercheurs et professionnels à l'intersection des pratiques performatives et des métiers de l'architecture, de l'urbanisme et du paysage.
Projets associés
Mobilizing Peripheries :
Trans-figurations.org :
Designing with Scores :
The Halprin Legacy project :