
Colloque international « Sonic Urbanism : The Political Voice »






Sonic Urbanism : The Political Voice, 13 décembre 2019, Paris


Attention is turning more and more to urban sound as a material to design with, as a site of conflict, as a medium through which to understand the urban environment, and so on. Crafting a sonic urbanism seeks to look beyond the soundscape as an object and bring together research and creative practice that reveals how sonic concerns and methods could shed new light on political, cultural, and social formations in the city.

This colloquium invites both scholars and practitioners to present research, or works of sonic or spatial creation. You can find the full call for proposals here.

Following the first conference in 2018 exploring sonic urbanism in its broadest interpretation, the second iteration will focus on the ways that the voice / voices and their enmeshments with architecture, infrastructure, and technology are understood in the fields that both analyse and design urban life in their political dimension. To be politically engaged is to have one’s voice ‘heard’ in the public space. How and where, though does this hearing happen? Whose voices are heard, both in the street and on the political stage? What is the role of architecture in amplifying or indeed diminishing the audibility of difference voices?

PROGRAMME : https://theatrum-mundi.org/programme/lavoixpolitique/

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